Introduction and Purpose of the Research Institute
The Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities strives to become an institute that advocates the humanities.
We pursue humanities as a compound academic discipline that goes beyond being a segmented academic division.
We will contribute to the community through the spirit of humanities that creates a place for academic communication
and discourse, while sharing wisdom.
Research Institute Milestones
- JanOpened Research Institute of Humanities, Professor Park In-chan appointed as first director
- May
Science Technology Humanities Research Team: Selected for the National
Research Foundation's new research support for <A Study on the Visual
Image in Composition of Robotic Science Technology Knowledge: Focusing
on Robot Experiment Research of Japan and USA in The 1970s and 80s>
Signed MOU with Yongsan-gu Office
Signed MOU with the Seoul Office of Education Namsan Library
Signed MOU with the Kim Koo Museum & Library
Signed MOU with the Korea Bang Jung-hwan Foundation
Signed MOU with Yongsan-gu Culture Center
Signed MOU with the Municipal Center for Senior Welfare of Yongsan
- JunAcademic conference to commemorate the founding of the Sookmyung
Research Institute of Humanities: "At the Front Lines of Humanities:
Challenges and Tasks for the Future"
- Jul
Yongsan Local Humanities Research Team: Selected for the 2017 humanities
city project <Living Together in Patterns Engraved in the Ground,
Humanities City Yongsan>
Newly established the Yongsan Local Humanities Center
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s veteran researcher support
for <Critical Research on the ‘Western’ Reenactment of Ang Lee Films and
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s veteran researcher support
for <Post-human Ethical Consciousness Vision in the Age of AI>
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s academic future generation
support (academic professor) for <Study on Discourse Marker Usage Mode
and Discourse Abilities per English Level of Korean Learners>
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s academic future generation
support (post-doctorate domestic training) for <Recomposition of Urban
Space and Memory and the Politics of Images - Focusing on Shanghai>
- Nov
Transnational Humanities Research Team: Selected for the National
Research Foundation’s general joint research for <Subversive Body,
Alienated Culture - Pedigree of Korean and Japanese Physical Alienation
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s general joint research for
<Transnational Korean Women’s History: Korean Emigrant Women and
Transnational Experiences>
- Dec
2nd Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Academic Conference:
“Transnationalism and Space-Existence”
- JanDirector Park In-chan holds position as chair of the Humanities Committee
- Feb
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities first edition of ‘Trans-Humanities’
Korea-Japan Academic Society 96th international academic conference
co-hosted by Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities: “Interdisciplinary
Japanese Research in the Age of Information”
Signed MOU with Culture Tank
Signed MOU with Sunlin Internet High School
Signed MOU with the children’s art museum Hello Museum
- May
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s narrative publication for <Japanese SF Novels and Post-Human>
Selected by Ministry of Education for <Study on Plans to Realize Free High School Education>
- Jun
3rd Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Academic Conference: “No Country for the Elderly - Humanities for Aging”
Selected for the Korea Education Development Institute for <Provincial Education Finances Grants Standards Improvement Plans>
- Jul
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s academic future generation
support (post-doctorate domestic training) for <Research on Plans to Utilize
Projects for Summarization Using Cooperative Learning and Colleague
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s academic future generation
support (post-doctorate domestic training) for <Queer Berlin - Research on
the Queer Culture of Berlin during the Weimar Republic found in Klaus
Mann’s ‘Pious Dance’ and Christopher Isherwood’s ‘The Berlin Stories’>
- Aug
Selected for the National Research Foundation’s veteran researcher support for <Topographical Map of Borders and Contact>
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities second edition of ‘Trans-Humanities’
- Oct
4th Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Academic Conference: "Korean-Japanese Leprosy Narrative and the Empire’s Minority"
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Joint Research Team Academic
Conference: “Transnational Korean Women’s History: Hybridity and
Multi-layers of Emigrant Women”
- Dec
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities International Academic
Conference (co-hosted with the English Language and Literature Association
of Korea): “Encounters with the Posthuman: Materiality, Vitality, Narrativity”
Held humanities promotion workshop
- JanDirector Park In-chan holds position as chair of the Humanities Committee
- FebSookmyung Research Institute of Humanities third edition of ‘Trans-Humanities’
- Apr
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities - General Joint Research Symposium: “Things Seen through the Korean-Japanese LGBT Narrative”
Yongsan Culture Center ‘Neighborhood Healing Sketch Platform Construction’ project
Signed MOU with Incheon Viewer Media Center
- Jun
5th Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Academic Conference: “Ethics Meets Non-human”
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities publication of ‘Yongstan Life History Seen by the Ground’
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities - <Consensus Project for the Media Marginalized> project with the Incheon Viewer Media Center
- Jul
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Transnational Korean Women’s
History Team Academic Conference (co-hosted with the Yanbian University
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Science): “Women’s Menstruation:
Experience, Memory, Traces"
- Aug
Signed MOU with the Yonsei University Future Convergence Center
Newly established the Regional Cooperation Center (RCC)
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities fourth edition of ‘Trans-Humanities’
- Sep
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities “Transnational Korean Women’s
History” joint research team academic forum: “Movies by Foreign Adoptees
and Verbal and Nonverbal Description - Focusing on the Works of Director
Ounie Lecomte”
- Dec
6th Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Academic Conference:
"Beyond Borders: Possibilities of Korean-Japanese LGBT Narratives”
Academic Paper Digital (partnership agreement for contents services)
- JanReappointment of Director Park In-chan
- Feb
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities fifth edition of ‘Trans-Humanities’
- May
Selection of the National Research Foundation’s Humanities Plus Support Project for <Age of Hate, Response of Humanities>
Humanities Korea Plus Support Project, appointment of Park In-chan as president
- Aug
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities sixth edition of ‘Trans-Humanities’
1st Colloquium: "Age of Hate, Speaking of Queers”
- Sep
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Academic Conference
(co-hosted by the Korean Society of Translators): “Paradigm Shift of the
Translation and Interpretation Paradigm”
- Oct
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities Joint Research Team Academic
Symposium: "Elderly, Hate, Crossing: Senior Years Narratives and
- Nov
2nd Colloquium: “Perception toward Victims: Hate and Violence”
Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities special exhibit (co-hosted with Artnoid 178): “Perception toward Hate: Pause”
End of the 2017 humanities city project <Living Together in Patterns
Engraved in the Ground, Humanities City Yongsan> by the National Research
- Dec
2020 Humanities Korea Plus Support Project launching academic conference: “Age of Hate, Response of Humanities”